Sample Ad Analysis Speaker: Kameo Keltner Before you begin writing the Ad Analysis Essay, you will need to choose one print advertisement to analyze. As you flip through various magazines and/or newspapers, you will see a variety of ads that appeal to a wide range of audiences. You may find the task of analyzing an ad less intimidating, though An Advertising Analysis on the Use of Ad Layouts to Determine a Specific Effect on Consumer ( words, 2 pages) Advertising AnalysisAlcohol is a product that tends to be advertised by sex appeal and social class, although these specific ads factor these components in, they mainly focus on one gender and its superiority over the other Essay On Visual Analysis Of Advertisement. Words 4 Pages. Show More. Visual Analysis of the Advertisement. Visual elements are important parts of each kind of advertising. The visual objects play an important role in passing a message and strongly appeal not only to people`s minds but also to the feelings
Advertisement Analysis Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Advertisement forms have changed over the years with each period suited to fit the target audience. Technological developments in print have improved the quality of magazine advertisements and increased target audience market coverage.
Although technological improvements with online versions of magazines have improved, the print version has maintained a significant market share and demand.
Magazines have narrowed their target audience with considerations such as gender, race, age, education levels among others which however do not prohibit those not targeted from accessing the magazines.
Magazine publications have a rich history of fashion, advertisements analysis essay, beauty, celebrity, recipes among other topical issues in the generation of the target audience. Women have many issues surrounding them and hence women magazines have existed over the years. Since these magazines have existed over several decades, it is important to analyze them with comparisons between the times in terms of objectives, changes and differences, target audience, advertisements analysis essay, messages and images covered.
Advertisements analysis essay women magazines in the market all are different in their target audience though covering similar issues. The years of origin, background and purposes advertisements analysis essay differ and change over time to accommodate generational changes Hough-Yates This analysis shall focus on Shape magazine, Marie Claire magazine and New Idea magazine. Just as the name suggests, advertisements analysis essay, Shape Magazine is a women magazine that focuses on their fitness to attain the shape presumed to be preferable for the period of discussion.
It is written in English language and its origin dates back to by Weider publications. This analysis shall involve the years and for Shape Magazine. The s decade was characterized by a pop culture and music which influenced the dancing style of the time.
It is during this period that the concept of aerobics was introduced from the dance halls to the gym. Health fitness of the time was based on keeping fit. Gyms were beginning to increase though not as much.
Celebrity fitness formed the basis of fitness magazine advertisements. Shape magazine in targeted women of all years into fitness though it did not have age-specific articles. The products advertised at the time were mainly swim suits, fitness and gym wears. The magazine did not emphasize on diet though dietary articles were present.
The messages were based on maintenance of fit bodies, encouragement of aerobics, advertisements analysis essay, advertisements analysis essay use of celebrity fitness to influence women into fitness programs. The images mainly included women in swim suits to reveal the shapely bodies with the focus of celebrities of the time Gough-Yates The fitness culture increased in the period with issues of weight loss, style and beauty, advertisements analysis essay, health and increase dietary consciousness.
Shape magazine still targets women in the year with its base on their fitness and has a sexual appeal, which is, encouraging fitness as a way of being sexy. The implicit messages in the magazine do provide direct and increased scope coverage of fitness issues.
It allows the responses of the audience and then carries out research on such issues and publishes them. Fitness for shape magazines are based more on losing weight as a way of being fit and sexy such as obtaining a flat stomach, increased advice on healthy eating and dieting, increased coverage of women celebrities work outs, lifestyles and advice, different articles on losing of weight and how to attain a perfect shape faster, videos on work outs and other beauty and style issues.
The products advertisements analysis essay in Shape magazine are very many and fall into the category of the article discussed including fitness gadgets, dietary books, work out programs, beauty products, advertisements analysis essay, dieting products, slimming products, weight management mechanisms and evaluation products among others. The images are more on expert advice on weight related issues; they include celebrities and have a sexual appeal added to them.
Shape magazine is similar to that of in the target audience, advertisements analysis essay especially cover images with swim suits although those of emphasize on the sexual appeal and include more celebrities. Shape magazine in further increases the scope of fitness coverage, increases articles on diet and health as well as emphasizes on weight loss. This is a fashion magazine that dates back towritten in the English language and dominated more in the US, Australia and UK and in other languages for other nations though it was published earlier in France.
The target audience of the magazine is specific to the country with that of US targeting women in the world. The magazine from its origin has been addressing issues in the world affecting women with information on beauty, advertisements analysis essay, fashion and health.
The magazine has maintained the objective of providing its readers with information substantial enough on the changing and new looks and the fashionable styles of the time. This analysis shall compare s and The magazine was issued on a weekly basis in France and based its topics affecting the women with the target on the middle class women, advertisements analysis essay.
The issues included the discrimination of women, how to be home keepers, and the social environment since women were expected to be conservative and feminine taking their place in the home Gough- Yates, advertisements analysis essay Divorce was prohibited at the time and issues could not be openly discussed. During this time, the images were of the fashionable hats and were captured to show only that with the concept of beauty being confined, conservative and more on the hair styles.
The magazine included the trends of fashion based on women of high class such as the queen. The products advertised were not much and included the same hats, hair beauty and beauty products especially the lipsticks while the distributing systems were minimal. The magazine is published on a monthly advertisements analysis essay and the theme issues addressed target the ordinary woman.
The magazine provides up to date information on fashion with changes in fashion trends. Unlike in the s, advertisements analysis essay, the fashion trends represented change within short time with the introduction of fashion themes in the earlier years.
The issues discussed in the magazine are more liberal and range from health, family matters, marriage, celebrity styles, fitness, health, beauty and other concerns such as legal matters, financial issues, relationships and careers among others Gauntlett The images are of high quality and represent the modern woman permeating to all ages capturing all fashion trends in sports wear, make up, advertisements analysis essay, clothes for different occasions including fashion during pregnancy, work, party among others, celebrity styles, hair styles and fashion expert advice services, advertisements analysis essay.
Other than fashion, the magazine is inclined to women beauty, fitness and health. The magazines carries forth massive advertisements touching on the issues discussed such clothes, beauty products, hair products, services, health matters, fitness and fitness products, family related products, tours and travel advertisements, fashion stores among others. The stories represent issues faced by women with emphasis on confidence and justice and more inclination to providing celebrity styles Gough-Yates This is a weekly published magazine in Australia targeting the women.
It dates back to with coverage of issues and news around and affecting celebrities, recipes and competitions. This analysis shall focus on and The products were mainly representing the advertisements analysis essay used by celebrities of the times and of high costs and quality. The images used were mainly of people of high profile and fitted into the high quality of the times Gauntlett The magazine is still published weekly in Australia with the target still being women.
The magazine mainly covers celebrity stories, events and lifestyles, advertisements analysis essay, topical issues, cooking recipes of the modern times and still includes competitions and special offers. The magazine is closely related to that at the s only the application to the times differs and the wider coverage where the audience are able to provide their comments on the blog through electronic media.
The target audience for the magazines discussed has not really changed over the time. The magazines however such as Mari Claire has increased its content scope in fashion with more liberalism, the Shape magazine has maintained its focus but increased coverage with more emphasis on diet and weight loss and focus on the body shape.
The new idea magazine has not differed from its earlier publications both in content or coverage but just in use of electronic media. The relevance of the women magazines has proved to thus permeate and maintain relevance with advertisements analysis essay to the trends in the times.
Gauntlett, David. Media, gender and Identity: An introduction. London: Routledge Publications, Gough-Yates, Anna. Need a custom Essay advertisements analysis essay written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a referencing style :. Analysis of Advertisements in Magazines.
Table of Contents. Introduction Analysis of Magazine Advertisements Shape Magazine Marie Claire Magazine New Idea Magazine Conclusion Works Cited. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Analysis of Advertisements in Magazines specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Analysis of Advertisements in Magazines by yourself? This essay on Analysis of Advertisements in Magazines was written and submitted by your fellow student.
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Essay On Visual Analysis Of Advertisement. Words 4 Pages. Show More. Visual Analysis of the Advertisement. Visual elements are important parts of each kind of advertising. The visual objects play an important role in passing a message and strongly appeal not only to people`s minds but also to the feelings Advertisement Analysis Essay Throughout our lives, we’re constantly coming upon advertisements. As you watch TV, listen to the radio, or scroll up and down on social media you’re more than likely to come upon advertisements that involve athletics. Sports and ads are two things that most likely could be heard or seen · If you want to write a high-quality advertising analysis essay - just follow these simple steps: Come up with the title and thesis statement. Write the introduction. The introduction aims to capture your readers' attention. As it has been stated before, you The body part of the essay. In this /10()
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