Literature & Language Essay Paper. Description: Capital punishment, according to the Constitutional Rights Foundation, is the legal killing of criminals who commit various crimes. Also referred to as the death penalty, the form of punishment began in the United States during the colonial period in the s · Capital Punishment Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the toughest form of punishment enforced today in the United States. According to the online Webster dictionary, capital punishment is defined as “the judicially ordered execution of a prisoner as a punishment for a serious crime, often called a capital offence or a capital crime” (1) · Death Penalty Essay Outline. Introduction. Thesis: The death penalty should be abolished because it is not one of the best methods of punishing criminals and addressing crime. Body. Paragraph 1: Capital punishment is not an effective way of deterring crime contrary to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Death Penalty Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Are you in High School, College, Masters, Bachelors or Ph, capital punishment essay outline. D and need someone to help in your homework? My Essay Services is an experienced service with capital punishment essay outline 9 years experience in research writing and over 83, essays over the years, capital punishment essay outline.
You will receive a plagiarism check certificate that confirms originality for any essay you order with My Essay Services. The death penalty is also a death sentence, capital punishment or execution. This is a legal process where the state puts an individual to death as punishment for a crime. The crimes resulting in the death sentence are capital offenses or capital crimes including aggravated murder, drug trafficking and crimes related to homicide Moore Most societies have been practicing death penalty in the past, capital punishment essay outline, but most have abolished the practice due to controversies fueled by religions, political ideologies and laws concerning the protection of human capital punishment essay outline. The societies that still apply the death penalty to date are China, the United States, India and Indonesia.
In the past, the execution has been through beheading while lethal injection is increasingly preferable in recent decades. This paper is going to argue the grounds on why the death penalty should be practiced. Death penalty is an issue that a number of people found controversy and have differing opinions. There is the person that firmly support the death penalty especially the victims of violent crimes whereas another capital punishment essay outline that the government should abolish it Moore On the other hand, there is a club of individuals that feel the death penalty should be applied in only specific cases.
I am such a person, capital punishment essay outline, and am of the opinion that the death penalty should only be incorporated in the case of an unforgivable crime such as serial murderers, rapistsand coldly premeditated murder.
However, there is a need to be aware that crime is evident in the society we live in, and capital punishment essay outline is capital punishment essay outline that it should be stopped at whatever cost and that not every crime should be punished by the death penalty Radelet The death penalty has been there since the Babylonian times, and most countries have adopted it, abolished and others have decided to apply it in specific instances.
Those supporting the idea of the death penalty argue that it is aimed at deterring future criminals who might be thinking of committing monstrous crimes. The deterrence is important in the society as a person will think twice before he or she commits premeditated murder Moore The person will undoubtedly know and understand the consequences that await him or her. Therefore, the probability of such a person will commit the crime decreases as they understand the harsh consequences they face when they commit a crime.
All the family gets is sympathy from the media and pretend politicians. However, through the death penalty, the family is assured the murderer will never commit a crime again Moore They receive the justice that they deserve. Therefore, those in support of capital punishment feel, it should always be there and be effective. In many cases, death penalties turn to be a life sentence or the criminals are condemned to die in death row rather than by execution. The effectiveness of the death penalty relies on the willingness of government officials who are in charge of it to use liberty.
If exercised, the penalty is likely to stop criminals from committing a monstrous crime thus restoring justice.
If the penalty were used frequently then, people would avoid violent crimes. Monstrous criminals would think before committing a crime that is consequences are death Moore Because of this penalty the society would gain security. People capable of brutality should be prevented from repeating the same crime and act as a lesson to those intending to do so. Therefore, the death penalty is the best way to go in the protection of the society.
For one to be sentenced to the death penalty then, capital punishment essay outline, they must have committed a crime in a clear state of mind. The full process of the law should take place, and there is a need for a full investigation in order to ensure that an innocent man is not sent to death Moore The law should take its full course, and the courts should ensure that indeed they look at all the possible perspectives in the case before capital punishment can be handed out.
There are those that are against capital punishment, and they have different reasons for supporting the abolishing of the death penalty. They first argue that death penalty executions require extremely high costs. Estimates show that it is more costly to execute people than sentence them to life imprisonment, capital punishment essay outline.
The states impose heavy taxes to their citizens in order to maintain the capital punishment system Radelet They argue that it is so expensive because death row inmates require exceptional cells, unique dining arrangements, exercising, medical care and distinctive guards.
The legal costs capital punishment essay outline the greatest where the government must pay attorneys to prosecute the appeal cases for the death row inmates. However, should the society put a cost on the life of an innocent girl in the streets?
If these criminals are not removed from the streets, they might be the ones to defile a young girl or commit premeditated murder on the bread-winner of the family Radelet For this purpose, there is a need to teach these criminals a lesson in a bid to deter crime in the society. In fact, no price should be given to securing the nation.
The capital punishment essay outline spends billions in military equipment that is obsolete in a few years Radelet Therefore, it should not put any restrictions when it comes to the protecting of its citizens by eliminating elements that are hell-bent on destroying them, capital punishment essay outline.
Those in favor of abolition argue that costs are not the only issue to contend with in the debate over the death penalty. Innocence has been an equally thorny issue. There have been executions of innocent people where the governments are unable to prevent such accidental executions. Wrongful execution is injustice towards the people and cannot be reversed, capital punishment essay outline.
A person can face the death sentence when innocent of any crime. There have been people released from the death row minutes before their execution. However, as explained earlier, this is extremely hard in this age of technology Peterson There is the use of DNA and other reliable methods that indeed show the criminal. Therefore, capital punishment essay outline, this issue can be described as a non-issue as the numbers in the Criminal Justice department are negligible to aid this argument Peterson In the United States, capital punishment essay outline, majority like the death sentence, and often appears to be reasonably contented with the executions as seen in most surveys.
However, capital punishment essay outline, capital punishment essay outline arguing against it looks at the ethical issues involved, the theoretical factor of the death punishment concerns whether criminal execution is ever a form of punishment that is morally defensible Fridell They argue capital punishment essay outline death punishment is never ethically reasonable and, therefore, it should be illegal.
However, hard evidence is hard evidence, whether it is published to a Harvard lawyer or a high school dropout. The other argument against the death penalty is discrimination. Statistics shows that about eighty percent of all murder victims are said to be blacks while fifteen percent are said to be white.
Those that do not back the death penalty, such as NAACP argue that the system favors the white as compared to the black. However, capital punishment essay outline, this is not a legitimate argument as it has been seen that if one commits a crime that deserves a death sentence, then the death sentence should be handed to him or her regardless of the race that they come from. Therefore, the death penalty should not be biased on race and should not go against cruel and unusual punishment clause.
Death penalty ensures safety of the society, and if that is the case then, the society does not need to complain of the expenses that come with it Fridell Human lives in the society including those of innocent children and hardworking fathers and mothers are important and should be protected from the serial killers, rapists and drug dealers that are determined to ruin the society, capital punishment essay outline, commit murder and rape women and small children.
The death penalty should, capital punishment essay outline, therefore, be handed to the persons that deserve it. In resolution, the death penalty is one of the major issues that different people have a different opinion capital punishment essay outline. There are some who favor it while others are against the idea of killing a criminal even if the person is guilty. Death penalty deters criminals from committing heinous crimes; it scares them as they know what they will face when they commit the crimes.
Further, it eliminates the bad apples in the society that can cause rot to the whole society. These people if allowed to live can commit more crimes in the prisons Fridell Further, there are those crimes such as premeditated cold murder that can only be punished by a death sentence.
Any less than that will be an injustice to the victim as well as the loved ones of the family that the victim capital punishment essay outline to. Those against the death penalty argue that innocent people might die, however, this is a rare occurrence. They also play the human right card and cost. However, it is also not in the human rights to coldly take away the life of a person and the government has a role and duty to shield its citizens from this bad apples and elements in the society.
In regards to capital punishment essay outline, there is no price that can be put on the peace and tranquility of the citizens. Works Cited Fridell, R. Capital punishment. New York: Benchmark Books. Print Moore, B. Making your case: Critical thinking and the argumentative essay. Mountain View, Calif: Mayfield Pub. Radelet, M, capital punishment essay outline. Facing the death penalty: Essays on a cruel and unusual punishment.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Peterson, Tim, capital punishment essay outline. The death sentence: why it is important: The University of Kentucky Press. Murder is considered as the unlawful killing of another human being under conditions that are spelt out by law or constitution of a nation. A person who commits the action of taking away the life of another human being is referred to as a murderer.
In most societies, murder is considered as one of the worst types of crimes and it is differentiated from the other types of homicides like manslaughter. A homicide is an act of killing another human being. Murder is considered as a form of criminal homicide, which means that a homicide covers a larger scope than murder.
In United States of America, murder is considered as one of the most serious crimes. The sentence for murder is either life imprisonment or in some cases the death penalty. In the state of Georgia, murder is considered a very serious felony.
IELTS Task 2 Writing. Unit 4. Step 1. The Death Penalty. Consider Both Sides / Opinion Essay.
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Capital Punishment: Society’s Self Defense by Amber Young is an essay that argues to agree with capital punishment, stating reasons such as self-defense, lack of care in the preservation of life, liberty being more important than freedom, and the chance of a guilty person going Evaluation of the Justification of the Death Penalty Capital Punishment Sample Essay & Outline. The essence of punishment is to correct someone so that the same mistake cannot be done again. However, the administration of capital punishment ruins the whole need for correcting someone. How is one supposed to change when he no longer exists? Human is bound to error, and punishment is a form of discipline · Death Penalty Essay Outline. Introduction. Thesis: The death penalty should be abolished because it is not one of the best methods of punishing criminals and addressing crime. Body. Paragraph 1: Capital punishment is not an effective way of deterring crime contrary to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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