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First day of college essay

First day of college essay

first day of college essay

Dec 28,  · My First Day at College Essay ( Words) On out return home, the senior caught us again. They threw liquid of different colors on us. They tore our clothes, snatched out notebooks, and even slapped on our faces. We bore all this because we knew, “Every dark cloud has a silver lining”. My first day at college is a memorable experience of blogger.coms: 19 Jul 26,  · On my first day in college, I met new friends and I find them worth having. At the start, all the new faces around me made me feel like they were looking at me as if I was an interesting creature that they have never seen before. It made me feel lonely that made my first hour at the campus blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins After all the hassles of college registration were completed my mother departed for home and I was left by myself to attend college. What a great feeling! Little did I know what I had on store for the next day, my first in college. The time was around am, my alarm rang and it suddenly hit me that I’m now in college

Narrative essay, My first day at college. | Alexanderthegreat20's Blog

Last year, I passed the Matriculation examination in high first division. I got admission to Government College, Our claases were to start on 5th September.

I put on new clothes and went to college early in the morning. Some senior students were already there. They made us stand in a line and march. They ordered us to sing songs and dance. They passed ridiculous remarks on us. Then, I went to the notice board to note the timetable. Our first period was that of English. It was to be held in room number ten. I requested a senior student to direct me.

He escorted me to a room. A small group of boys followed him. The next moment, he pushed me into a room. There was loud laughter.

So I rushed out and began to fight with him. A man tried to separate us. I slapped on his face, first day of college essay.

All the boys dispersed in no time. I was arrested and taken to the office of the Principal. I was charged with being rude. That man was also sitting there. Actually, he was not a student. He was visitor. I felt ashamed of my mistake. I apologized to him. He forgave me.

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When I reached the classroom. the professor was taking the roll call. Different boys were answering the roll call in different funny manners. The professor did not mind it. First, he introduced himself to us. Then he guided us about college life and discipline, first day of college essay. All the periods passed in this way. On out return home, the senior caught us again.

They threw liquid of different colors on us. They tore our clothes, first day of college essay, snatched out notebooks, and even slapped on our faces. My first day at college is a first day of college essay experience of life. So, it will haunt me forever.

Last year, I passed the Matriculation examination in the high first division. I got admission to Government College in the Pre-medical group. Our classes were to start on 5th September.

I was feeling very happy and proud of being a college student. Some senior students had already reached college. They made us stand in a line and march off. After getting rid of them, I went to the notice board to note the timetable. I did not know where the room was. He seemed very gentle and cooperative. A small group of boys followed us. I was feeling obliged to him for his kindness, first day of college essay.

So, I rushed out and began to fight with him, first day of college essay. A man of short-stature tried to separate us. I was caught and taken to the office of the Principal. He was a visitor. I apologized to him and he forgave me. When I reached my classroom, the professor was taking the roll call.

All the periods passed in the way. On our return home, the seniors caught us again. They first day of college essay liquid of different colors on us. They tore our clothes. They snatched our notebooks, robbed our money, slapped on our face, boxed and pinched us. We bore all this because we knew:. Joining college after disciplined and restricted life of school seems a period of permanent happiness and freedom to every student.

After I had got admission to a local college after the matriculation result, I was impatiently waiting for the first day of college essay day to come when I could be able to attend the college. The life at college seemed a whiff of a cool breeze after spending a tough life at school.

The life at college seemed a period of permanent joy and freedom. On the first day when I entered the college gate, I was very nervous. I found many students in the same condition. The stories of the first year fool rang into my ears. I was stepping hesitantly towards the main building of the college when a boy older than I offered me help. Since I wanted to take down my timetable, I asked him about the notice board.

He told me to go to the left side of the building and then turn right. I thanked him and moved towards the guided direction. I had not come out of my shock when a group of senior students came to me.

One of the boys told that all first-year students are to see the principal in the hall at once, first day of college essay. They showed me the direction of the hall. Amid a crowd of boys with upset faces, I reached the hall. I thanked God that this time I was safe.

In the company of the first year boys, I entered the hall and took a chair. The principal was a gray-haired man. But what he said surprised us all. He advised us that we did not need to study. Our stay at college was a period of a stress-free life. While he was addressing us, an elderly person entered the hall. Seeing him the principal ran away, we all were surprised. Then the elderly person came to the lectern and informed the boys that they had been befooled by the senior students. He then introduced himself as vice principal and welcomed the boys to the college.

He then guided us to the notice board and told us how to find the classrooms. Attending classes was an excellent experience. All day long we kept on moving from one classroom to another. The teachers introduced their subjects to us and recommended the course first day of college essay. The rest of the day was full of excitement. The friendly manner of the professors was an excellent experience. When First day of college essay got out of college I know I had a memorable day in my life.

Matriculation marks a definite stage of education in Pakistan. Many give up education; do jobs and enter into the practical stream of life. Some join vocational institutions or undergo training for a future career.


, time: 1:54

My First Day in College Free Essay Example

first day of college essay

Nov 03,  · Narrative essay, My first day at college. Most people’s first day at college is the most stressful day of their lives because they don’t know what to expect or they just don’t want to go through an embarrassing situation, but for me it was the most exciting day of my blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Jul 26,  · On my first day in college, I met new friends and I find them worth having. At the start, all the new faces around me made me feel like they were looking at me as if I was an interesting creature that they have never seen before. It made me feel lonely that made my first hour at the campus blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins After all the hassles of college registration were completed my mother departed for home and I was left by myself to attend college. What a great feeling! Little did I know what I had on store for the next day, my first in college. The time was around am, my alarm rang and it suddenly hit me that I’m now in college

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