Jun 02, · My School Library ( Words) Essay 1 Our school library is in a separate block, consisting of a spacious hall, a reading room and the office of the librarian and his assistants. In fact, it is a world of books. knowledge and blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Jun 18, · The first essay is a long essay on the School Library of words. This long essay about School Library is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on School Library of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Oct 28, · admin October 28, Essays in English , Views The library is one of the most important places of a school. Every good school must have a well-stocked library, which can be used by students and teachers alike. The library of a school acts as a storehouse of knowledge
My School Library Essay - blogger.com
Our school library is in a separate block, consisting of a spacious hall, a reading room and the office of the librarian and his assistants. In fact, it is a world of books. knowledge and wisdom.
It school library essay not a big library like the public libraries which are meant for general readers, research workers and scholars.
It contains a wise and careful selection of books which may be needed by school students, for a higher and deeper study of their subjects. Class teachers usually guide their students. A section of our school library essay is reserved for such textbooks and help books as can be issued to the poor students who cannot buy them from the bazaar. The course books can be issued for a month, while the other library books cannot be retained for more than two weeks.
If a student fails to return a book within the prescribed period, he is fined by school library essay librarian. If on returning the library book, it school library essay found torn, the student is bound to replace it with a new one or to pay its price. For this purpose, school library essay, every student is required to pay library security which is refundable to the student when he leaves the school.
No student is allowed to borrow more than three books at a time. The recommendation of the teacher is necessary for borrowing a book from the library. Our school library has been divided into a number of sections school library essay as Literature, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, General Knowledge, Reference Books, Dictionaries, etc. The reference books and dictionaries cannot be issued to anybody and can be studied only at the library. All the books are placed in properly locked bookcases having glass doors.
These are daily dusted and cleaned before the opening time. All the library books are systematically cataloged, school library essay. The student consults this catalog and enters the name and number of the book on a printed slip of paper.
It is presented to the library clerk who checks everything before issuing a book. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and school library essay notifications of new posts by email. Email Address, school library essay. A big portion of our school library essay library is called the Reading Room.
It has large and long tables with chairs for the students to sit and study. A large variety of daily newspapers, magazines are found spreading on these tables but firmly fixed to them. The students are allowed to benefit from them in their vacant periods. A supervisor keeps a strict watch over the readers lest they should tear away some paper, picture or the whole of the magazine. In short, the school library does an invaluable service to the school students, and it helps them to become good citizens.
Our school library is not so big. But it has the most useful books. Our school library is in the new building of our school.
It has a hall, school library essay, a reading-room and three small rooms, school library essay. There is also a small office for the librarian. The hall of the library is at its centre.
There are almirahs of books on all sides of the hall. Long tables and chairs are placed beside them. Students sit here and study. The reading-room of the library, a kind of small hall, is at the entrance to the library, school library essay.
Big round tables with chairs around are to be found here. Newspapers and magazines lie on these tables all the time. During the recess, the reading-room is crowded. In our library, we have the latest books on the sciences and the arts.
The largest number of books is perhaps on the English language. We can find books by famous English, American, Canadian, Australian and our own language experts linguists. The books on English literature are no less than a vast treasure, school library essay. Here we find the writings ofschool library essay, world-renowned world-famous novelists, story writers, poets, dramatists and critics.
There are a great many books on Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtu, and Balochi poetry, prose and fiction stories. I think we should have more of such books by old as well as new writers.
It is planned to get more books from other countries in English. American, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, school library essay, Persian and Arabic literature and to expand the library. Already some books on Persian and Arabic literature have arrived. It will be most proper if soon most of the standard books on the English and Urdu language and literature and on the main sciences are made available in the library.
Every student can get two books at a time from the library. He has to return these in two weeks, school library essay. If he does not return these in time, he is fined. If he loses any book and cannot return its fresh copy after purchasing it from outside, he loses his library membership, school library essay. There is a special section in my school library for poor students.
They can get books of their courses from here for a year or more. It is perhaps the most useful service that the library has been offering for many years.
We are glad that old students, famous writers, rich traders, industrialists, and landowners contribute liberally to the library fund of the school. Our school is rightly proud of the library. I think that in the coming years it will expand to become one of the biggest school libraries in the country. The government has already sanctioned funds for the construction of a separate library block in the school. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing.
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10 lines on My school library - short essay writing on school library - English Cursive handwriting

Aug 11, · Essay on Role of the School Librarian – Essay 5 ( words) A school library is a structure within the school that houses a collection of books, audio-visual material and other content that serves common use to meet the educational, informative and recreational needs of the users. The chief objective of libraries is to meet the academic needs of the particular educational Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins A school library (or a school library media center) is a library within a school where students, staff, and often, parents of a public (state) or private (fee paying) school have access to a variety of resources. These short essays add validity and expand the text. Grades K 75% (16) Former Stuyvesant High School Oct 28, · admin October 28, Essays in English , Views The library is one of the most important places of a school. Every good school must have a well-stocked library, which can be used by students and teachers alike. The library of a school acts as a storehouse of knowledge
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