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In these examples, the students had minutes to produce an essay on a topic given them at the test and were not permitted to use dictionaries or other aids. They were advised to plan before writing and to check their papers over after finishing but not to try to wpe sample essays them because there would not be enough time.
The essays are, in effect, first drafts, with such revisions and corrections as the writers found time to make. It should be understood that in passing these papers the faculty is recognizing realistically the differences between an impromptu piece of writing and a paper prepared outside of class with adequate time for revising and polishing. We provide here a sample essay topic, together with the scoring wpe sample essays, and three sample essays, rated "6" Superior"5" Strongand "4" Meets Expectations.
Los Angeles is fed up with its traffic. Despite billions spent in efforts to expand our roads, our freeways are as clogged as ever. With enough layers of tunnels, says Musk, any amount of cars could be provided for. With all due respect to Mr. If things cost more, people use less of them. We all accept that airline tickets are more expensive during the holidays, wpe sample essays.
And yet we miss that this very same, wpe sample essays system of pricing could solve our congestion problem. Roads are the only piece of infrastructure we allow to consistently fail due to overuse, wpe sample essays. In a HOT lane, wpe sample essays drive for free, while solo drivers have to pay. Tolls are usually collected via a transponder, wpe sample essays, without ever having to slow down.
Two of these experimental HOTs are right here in Los Angeles on the and the 10 freeways. In these HOT lanes, wpe sample essays, congestion is basically a thing of the past.
On one highway in Miami, for example, average speeds went from 20 wpe sample essays to 62 mph. Here in Los Angeles, average speeds on the 10 and are 45 mph in the general purpose lanes and 65 mph in the HOT lanes.
And the free flowing lanes are benefiting transit riders, too. Despite a poor, under-publicized rollout by Metro, these facilities have created far wpe sample essays traffic relief than the widening at a fraction of the cost, wpe sample essays.
Dynamic tolling works by varying the price of the toll lanes by time of day. It costs more when traffic is typically busy, and less when fewer people want to use it. A free-flowing road also carries more cars than a congested road, so by keeping things moving, the price actually wpe sample essays the capacity on the road.
The system works because when prices go up, it sends a signal to drivers that there are lots of other cars on the road. Just as with airfare, people respond to these signals. People have more flexibility in their drive times than you might imagine.
Roughly half of peak-hour trips are not commutes to work or school. With HOT lanes, when prices are high, people adjust accordingly. If it's worth it, wpe sample essays, they get in the lane and save time. Experts have pointed to tolls as a traffic solution for decades, yet building political support for road fees continues to be a challenge — the most common complaint being: "Oh, so only rich people can drive?
This critique ignores the fact that working Americans often suffer the most severely from the impacts of poor mobility. Working-class parents who are late to pick up their kids from day care, for example, often pay severe financial penalties. Having the option to reach their destination quickly could actually save them money. In fact, experience with dynamic tolling in the United States has shown that people of all income levels use these lanes.
Is there another way besides tolls? Unfortunately, no. Why are we so willing to try expensive, wpe sample essays, desperate policies, often with dire, unintended consequences, in order to solve traffic without pricing the roads?
The bottom line is, wpe sample essays, when you give away something valuable for free, you create insatiable demand. Traffic is the result. Write a well-developed wpe sample essays in which you address the topic as it is raised in the reading. Each essay is read and evaluated by at least two faculty members in a carefully planned and supervised reading. Each reader scores an essay on a scale of 1 to 6, and the two scores are combined. A score of 8 or above is passing.
See sample scoring guide and sample essays below. It is the intention of CSUN to report test results that accurately reflect each student's performance. Test administration and test security standards are designed to assure that all test takers are given the same opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and to prevent anyone from having an unfair advantage over others because of testing irregularities.
With this in mind, in rare cases in which there is a question about the validity of a student's essay, the UDWPE Advisory Board reserves the right to request that a student take a retest at no cost to the student. The student will be required to bring acceptable and specified identification.
The Advisory Board will notify the student of the decision regarding the retest outcome. Superior 6 — Addresses the topic and remains highly-focused on the complexity of the issues raised in the reading passage; offers variety and sophistication in sentence structure, diction, wpe sample essays, and vocabulary, wpe sample essays, and exhibits an excellent command of written English.
Strong 5 — Addresses the topic and maintains its focus on many of the issues raised in the reading passage; offers variety in sentence structure, diction, and vocabulary, and exhibits a strong command of written English.
Meets Expectations 4 — Addresses the topic, and though it may waver in its focus, it has engaged the primary issue raised in the reading passage; exhibits proficiency in written English through the use of vocabulary as expressed in coherent sentences and paragraphs; while the essay may contain some grammatical flaws including common ESL-related locutionsthey do not detract from the overall effect or clarity of the writing.
May be a blank exam or one containing only a few sentences. The city of Los Angeles has only ever had one defining dilemma: traffic, wpe sample essays. This is the consequence of living in a city that becomes more and more populated with each passing year. The grandeur and endless possibilities of the city draws people from all over the globe like moths to a flame.
David Leenhardt attempts to address the overwhelming issue of L. His solution to this issue is a very unpopular one to the public as he calls to put a price on freeways. Not only would this marginalize and penalize low-income families, but it would also feed into a capitalist system that threatens to monetize any infrastructure or service left in the country.
As a driver and native L. I commute to my school at least thirty minutes every morning. One driver will be going 55 mph in a 65 mph zone and as a result, traffic backs up. Additionally, traffic only ever becomes a cumbersome factor during holidays and evenings when the work day is over. Holidays are mostly affected because of the influx of people swarming into the city. Leenhardt also targets the main concern of the public when discussing his solution: money. is known for its rising housing prices and extreme cost of living.
How would those who cannot afford to make ends meet save money by using money they need for food and basic needs to pay to drive? They already pay high prices for gas and car payments, so to add the price of the road to their lives would systematically move these people down the poverty line. It would also marginalize them as now the freeways would become the territory of those would could afford it.
These seem wholly ineffective when work, school, and other important obligations are taken into account. Furthermore, this would affect the youth of L, wpe sample essays.
On average, college students barely have the means to support themselves financially because of the cost wpe sample essays tuition, student loans, housing and textbooks for classes that usually go for more than a hundred dollars.
With all of this emptying their wallets and bank accounts, wpe sample essays, it seems unreasonable to ask them to donate any more money simply to get to class.
Then there is the issue of accidents, SIG alerts, and weather that any native driver knows will derail traffic no matter what plan is in place. It seems the only viable option, if Elon Musk wants to invest his billions, is to start by giving us all jet packs. Surely they have technology for that. With regards to research strategies, tolling the freeways seems like a disastrous and dangerous alternative, and I would begin by searching wpe sample essays Google or our Oviatt Library to find if it has ever been successful in other countries where populations are dense and industries are not quite so unlike Los Angeles as is Minneapolis.
Traffic is and will continue to be a problem for the unforeseeable future, but so is class disparity, poverty, homelessness, and over-population. This seems a poor choice for too many L. According to him, Angelenos are really sick of the issue, and the billions of dollars of government and taxpayer money that has been spent to solve the issue has actually been wasted.
He claims that the best way to solve L. According to him, traffic is the unpleasant product of free roads wpe sample essays if L. officials make people pay for their commute, fewer people will be willing to drive.
He believes these are all because of the tolling magic. I assume the author is so naïve to think that by tolling the L. roads, wpe sample essays, L.
I believe tolling L. County is the biggest county in the nation and also wpe sample essays most populated. People need their cars to go to work, to school, and to pick up their kids from school. Now, if our government tolls our roads, what will happen?
HOT lanes used to be faster a couple of years ago, but more and more people are buying transponders to get rid of regular lane congestion and as a result, I see the HOT lanes are as congested as the regular ones. A friend of mine told me that his Uber driver had told him that his transponder is fake and it really works perfectly. So, even if we toll our roads, wpe sample essays, there are people who will come up with smarter ideas to cheat the system.
The HOT experiment in L. should have been done on more lanes of those two freeways to give it more credibility. To get more information on this topic, I would do a library search on causes of heavy traffic in large metropolitan areas through JSTOR.
Most every business, organization, and government agency relies on the road system. Traffic makes this system, wpe sample essays, and by extension the entities that rely on it, less efficient.
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