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Essay about stress management

Essay about stress management

essay about stress management

Jan 01,  · Because stress varies from person to person, it is hard to pick one stress-management technique that will work for every person, and therefore everybody could have a different personal stress management plan. Being a student, my primary stressors involve school and career-related things Jun 06,  · We will write a custom Essay on Stress Management in the Workplace specifically for you for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Workers who are stressed out will probable have a low motivation towards their work. In addition, stress can be detrimental to such member of staff as it possesses potential danger to their Short Essay on Stress Management. Article shared by. Stress is a complex phenomenon and the term was first used by medical researcher Selye () to describe body’s biological response mechanisms. Selye defined stress as the non-specific response of the; body to any demand

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Home — Essay Samples — Business — Stress Management — A Study on College Stress Management. Going to college for the first time is an exciting experience for most. College stress can be caused by poor time management skills, pressure to excel, and lack of creating new relationships with peers. According to Coccia and Darling, common stress inducers could be caused simply by personal characteristics, social interactions and personal behaviors.

Personal characteristics such as gender and age have proven to be predictors of stress. For example, females tend to essay about stress management higher stress levels than males. Darling, In college, one of the first problems a student will typically face is learning how to manage their time in the most efficient way possible.

Different class schedules and deciding the best way to spend their time outside of class is a very difficult task. While at college, students feel a higher pressure to excel in all aspects of their lives, especially academically. This pressure can be put on the student by his or her parents or other close family constantly telling the student that they need to keep their grades up, go to every class, or by hovering.

The student may also feel pressured to excel because they may be a first-generation college student and feel they must prove they deserve the ability to go to college and make their family proud. While the signs of this excess pressure to succeed can be beneficial to the student, it may also over stress the student, essay about stress management.

Turner from The Mayo Clinic suggests reaching out to others such as friends or family for help. Stress can lead to severe depression and if not treated properly, the symptoms may get too far out of control for the student to be able to handle the depression on their own. Symptoms of depression include appetite changes, essay about stress management, defensive and quick mood changes, essay about stress management, irritability, and altered sleep patterns.

Depression can be caused by stress and is a serious mental illness that can be avoided and helped if essay about stress management properly. Turner recommends seeking help from a psychiatrist if the situation becomes too difficult to handle. As each person has his or her own way of taking care of depression, if the cause is not identified to its full extent, the illness may worsen, essay about stress management.

As a student, one may feel detached and soon become depressed if social interaction is not a key part of his or her daily routine. Nancy Stockton, essay about stress management of Counseling and Psychological Services at Indiana University. The distance from peers may cause students to feel as though they are not worthy of friendship or romantic relationships, making them either shut themselves off from other students more or making them feel the need to reach out to their peers for help and acceptance.

Elizabeth Scott from About. Failure to release endorphins is a problem with many college students and people in general. To not release endorphins regularly can lead to built up tension and overstressed bodies and minds. The Mayo Clinic reports that exercise is one of the best de-stressors. When one is living a hectic lifestyle, finding time to schedule in a trip to the gym may be difficult. Luckily, more convenient forms of exercise such as yoga or gardening, can help stressed students to release the endorphins needed to lift their mood and reduce stress.

These forms of exercise work and calm the mind at the same time. Lenz took part in this study so that college student, parents, professors and others alike could better understand why college students have higher stress rates as years pass and coping mechanisms that can be used to combat the stress.

Sandra starts by discussing that many factors are present in the cause of stress and the way each student copes. With many other essay about stress management feeding the research that Sandra takes on, she was able to put together a well-rounded study. One of the first coping styles that Lenz speaks about is task-oriented coping.

She refers to homework being a probable cause of stress in college students. The task-oriented coping means that a student is more likely to get the homework done before he or she takes a moment to consider how the stress is affecting them. The student will directly confront the source of his or her stress without beating around the bush. The second form of coping that Lenz described is called emotion-oriented coping, essay about stress management, meaning there is a specific cause of the stress the student is facing.

Instead of focusing his or her energy on completing the task, say it is back to the homework analogy, the student will focus harder on understanding and controlling their emotional state towards the situation and completely forget about completing the homework. Lenz says that the third and final form of coping is avoidance coping. Avoidance coping is when the student has decided to avoid the cause of the stress they are experiencing all together. If the cause of the stress is homework, according to Lenz, the student will avoid the homework completely and this is how the student will handle their stress, essay about stress management.

The results of the study that Lenz conducted show that students have different needs and how each student deals with his or her stress varies immensely. There are many causes to stress and college students have a higher rate of stress than middle aged workers. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique.

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Stress Management Skills (English) I What is Stress? I Causes and Effects I Stress Management Tips

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A Study on College Stress Management: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

essay about stress management

Nov 23,  · Stress management techniques enhance the effectiveness of immunizations and reduce the autoimmune response of asthma. Practicing stress management techniques leads to lowered levels of depression, negative mood, and morning cortisol levels. The Assignment (3–5 page APA-formatted essay) Jan 15,  · Long and Short Essays on Stress Management for Students and Kids in English Long Essay on Stress Management Words in English. Long Essay on Stress Management is usually given to classes 7, 8, Short Essay on Stress Management Words in English. Short Essay on Stress Management is usually Apr 13,  · In chapter 1, in our Organizational Stress text, you will learn about key terms related to stress as well as theoretical concepts. For this assignment, you will use the aforementioned chapters to write a seven-page paper discussing how you handle stress and at least one theoretical concept dealing with stress

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